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About Christina Chang

I am contemporary artist established in my hometown of Boston. My journey led me to pursue a BFA in Painting at Texas Christian University and an MAT from the Rhode Island School of Design. Along the way, I've been fortunate to explore artistic realms in places like the enchanting Florence, Italy.

Teaching art has been a profound part of my journey, guiding both young minds and adults in various public and private schools. Each interaction has enriched my understanding of the creative process.

Currently, my heart and soul are poured into a series of abstract paintings. I'm captivated by the raw power of saturated colors, using them as a medium to convey intense emotions. It's a journey that continues to unfold, offering new discoveries with every stroke of the brush.

Artist Statement
Artist Statement

When I think about why I create art, it's like a dance of color, light, energy, and movement. It's a feeling that words struggle to capture—an experience that's felt deep within. Ideas are always swirling, paintings waiting for their moment to come alive. The yearning to create and paint pulses through me daily, even when time slips through my fingers.

Paint, oh how I adore it. Mixing, smearing it with my brush, experimenting with new palettes—it's a mesmerizing affair that feeds my soul.

In this life, there are two things I know for certain: I'm here to nurture two incredible children into happy, healthy adults, and I'm here to create. Whether I'm wielding a brush, pencil, or sculpting tools, I'm crafting beauty and shaking up the way colors dance together. My art carries a handful of hopes:

I want it to light up the viewer's soul with joy.

I want it to reveal beauty in ways that catch you by surprise.

I want each creation to stand out, utterly one-of-a-kind.

I want my hands to shape something truly original and unforgettable.

I want to immerse people in the beauty of color, form, and light.

Finishing a painting? It's a moment of pure satisfaction, breathing life into something that once only existed in my mind, now brought forth with my own two hands.


Community Service

One community service organization that I have supported for years is Unbound. I have had the honor or sponsoring a child in the Philippines, Ecuador and now sponsor Luisa- a delightful girl that I get to write letters to! Unbound partners with families living in poverty on their path to become self-sufficient and fulfill their inherent potential.